News & Updates


Grammar School Move Accomplished!

Thursday, June 13th, 2024

Dear Regents friends and families,

Thank you to all of you who came out last week and helped us move to our new site!  It was an exhausting process but also such sweet time to celebrate what the Lord has provided for our next steps. I was sad to reflect on all the memories we are leaving behind at Ivy Road, but so very excited to see all of our parents...

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House Cup Goes to Aquinas!

Monday, June 3rd, 2024

Congratulations to the House of Aquinas for winning the 2023-2024 House Cup! "From the beginning of the year, each house has the opportunity to accrue points by participation in athletic teams, service in and out of school, Latin Certamen, field day, pep rallys, and more," said Athletic Director Travis Johnson. "All of that hard and diligent work over the...

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Special Congratulations to David Keppel

Sunday, June 2nd, 2024

Special Congratulations to senior David Keppel who has received a full naval ROTC Scholarship to Notre Dame. A Naval officer presented David with his scholarship at Ephesians Chapel.

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Successful Gala + Match Fulfilled!

Monday, November 6th, 2023

Thank you for your tremendous support of the Regents Gala on November 3rd! From superb emcee Dr. Chris Scott (who even sported a lion's mane at one point) and speakers to community business support, it truly took a village to create such a wonderful night. Special thanks to our Gala committee: Monique Moshier, Holly Britt, Carrie Montalto, Corie Scott and Laurie...

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First-Ever Pastor Day in the Grammar School!

Saturday, November 4th, 2023

Over 20 pastors came to our first-ever Pastor Day at the Grammar School. "It was like a combination of Jesus and Justin Bieber walked into our classroom, the students were so excited," said third grade teacher Mrs. Ziegler. Thank you to all the pastors who took time out of their busy schedules to make their students feel loved!

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Introducing Coach Saunders

Thursday, November 2nd, 2023

Regents would like to welcome Reagan Saunders as the assistant athletic director. You may recognize Coach Saunders’ name from his internship with Regents last year while he was party of Trinity Presbyterian Church’s Fellows Program. This year, he returns full-time to coach P.E., lead intramurals, help drive buses and more. With Coach Johnson assuming a...

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October Update from the Head of School

Friday, October 13th, 2023

Dear Regents friends and families,

One of the highlights of this month for me has been having many of you out to the new site for the first time since the construction process began. It is a gift to me to see the site once again through new eyes every time I get to show someone around. My job is to notice all the things that are not happening quickly enough...

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Fall Tennis Update

Thursday, October 12th, 2023

The Girls Varsity Tennis team is 4-3 with victories over Eastern Mennonite, The Miller School, and St. Catherine's. Freshman Esther Keppel, the lone lefty on the team, helped Regents secure those four victories by winning in singles for each match. Senior Maddie Parham had a strong showing in the EMS and Miller School matches, beating her opponents 8-5 and 8-3 in...

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You're Invited to A Regents Celebration

Tuesday, October 10th, 2023

A Regents Celebration

You're invited to join fellow Regents supporters and families at a dinner and silent auction to celebrate Regents School on Friday, November 3rd at 6:00 in the evening at The Wool Factory. Please see the following invitation for more information. Tickets may purchased online by clicking the button below the...

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Alumni News: The Daisy Award

Thursday, October 5th, 2023

A big congratulations to Jenna Rose (class of 2018) who is the recipient of a national award from The Daisy Foundation that honors nurses for outstanding patient care. Jenna is a labor and delivery nurse at UVA and was nominated by a Christian couple who told her they could tell she was a Christian by the way she cared for them. Jenna graduated from the nursing program at...

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Sixth Grade Buddies

Tuesday, October 3rd, 2023

One of the joys of sixth grade is being the oldest in the Grammar School. Each sixth grader is matched with a kindergarten buddy to mentor and watch out for during the year. This is an opportunity for leadership for the older students, and the kindergarteners are delighted to be known and cared for by a "big kid."

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This Year's Theme: Faithfulness

Thursday, September 7th, 2023

Dear Regents Friends and Families,

It may not quite feel like summer has ended with the 100 degree temperatures this week, but I can assure you that school is in full swing here at Regents! One of my favorite parts of this year so far was gathering as a full school body in Chapel last Friday. For the first time ever, every single pew at Jefferson Park Baptist...

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New Site Update

Tuesday, September 5th, 2023

If you have driven by the new site since the end of the 2022-2023 school year, you may not have noticed much difference in the way the site is looking. The tasks of the last three months have been the kinds of things that don't result in much outward change: getting electricity to the site, receiving all of our MEP permits (mechanical, electrical and plumbing), waiting...

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Grandparent's Day 2023

Tuesday, May 2nd, 2023

Almost 200 grandparents joined us for Grandparents Day on April 31st! What a gift it was to be together and to celebrate your students' hard work all year long with recitations of poetry, Latin, science and history, songs, and Scripture. The Logic School students presented two Socratic Seminars discussing Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan and four rhetoric...

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Letter from Logic & Rhetoric School Principal

Monday, May 1st, 2023

Dear Regents friends and families,
We are all greatly anticipating the move to the new campus, but as I’ve been praying, this question came to me, and it was one I posed to the Logic & Rhetoric Schools recently: are we prepared for the move? There has been much prayer and labor and trust and faithfulness behind the scenes to get to the point...

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New Site Update & Campus Security

Tuesday, April 4th, 2023

Seven buildings are under roof, with only two buildings left to go to finish framing the Grammar School side of the campus. Thank you, Lord! One of the biggest breakthroughs this last month on the new site was getting approval of a solution for a way to bring water to the site. This may not sound like a big deal, but it had held up large parts of our site work for almost...

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Regents Reading Revolution Thank You!

Sunday, April 2nd, 2023

Congratulations to Grammar School students who read a total of over 120,000 minutes during the Regents Reading Revolution! One student read 110 hours over the 17 days! Special congratulations goes to sixth grade who read the most minutes as a class.

Thank you to all the parents, grandparents and friends who supported our eager readers. This year, over...

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Extracurricular Spotlight: Choir

Thursday, March 23rd, 2023

This is the second year of the Regents Cantorum, an extracurricular choir in the Logic and Rhetoric schools. “Starting the Cantorum last year was a God thing,” says music teacher Kara Faraldi, “Three of us, separately, came up with the idea at the same time and the synergy gave it momentum.” So far the Cantorum has performed the national anthem at...

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Class Trips!

Tuesday, March 21st, 2023

One of the beloved traditions in the Logic & Rhetoric Schools are our class trips. After a three-year COVID hiatus, the trips joyfully resumed this year with seventh and eighth grades spending two nights in Baltimore and Washington, D.C, 10th and 11th visiting Charleston for three nights, and 11th and 12th taking the train to New York City. “I love how these trips...

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Author Visit: Jonathan Miller

Saturday, March 18th, 2023

Author Jonathan Miller visited Grammar School in March to talk about his work as an author-illustrator. Mr. Miller has published a four-book series about Sammy the dachshund and captivated students with his work. His time with grades four through six focused on the writing process. Students learned about how Mr. Miller has approached writing and had the chance to ask...

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