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Grammar School Move Accomplished!

Thursday, June 13th, 2024

Dear Regents friends and families,

Thank you to all of you who came out last week and helped us move to our new site!  It was an exhausting process but also such sweet time to celebrate what the Lord has provided for our next steps. I was sad to reflect on all the memories we are leaving behind at Ivy Road, but so very excited to see all of our parents thrilled at the new buildings and the promise of new beginnings on our new site.  I am overwhelmed when I  think of the community that we have become and the selflessness that I saw at every turn last week and frankly, all year.

I also want to congratulate the Class of 2024 who are ready to step out into the world to finish the race that the Lord has begun. Seniors, you are such a wonderful group of young men and young women. We are encouraged by the beautiful and different ways you have been gifted and the confidence you have to be the individuals God has created you to be. We can’t wait to watch and see God’s plans unfold in your lives. We hope you will come back and tell us about the journey. We are so proud of you!

In Christ,

Courtney Palumbo

Head of School

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