We are so thankful to be on one campus, encircled by beautiful surroundings and buildings - but we need more space. We went from five assembly spaces that could fit at least 50 students last year to just one this year. We also need four more classrooms. We are hoping to break ground on the next building this spring once we raise the last $100,000. Due to the slope of our...
Read MoreCongratulations to Regents alumna Olivia Palumbo ('20) on her Student Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) grant from the University of Arkansas for her research on factors affecting mental health disclosures in peer relationships. Olivia graduated in the Regents Class of 2020 and spent her freshman year at Baylor University before transferring to Arkansas. She was...
Read MoreFirst snow on our Coram Deo campus!
"Be still and know that I am God." -Psalm 46:10
Read MoreWhat a beautiful day last week as our community gathered together to cut the ribbon on our new site. First Lady of Virginia Suzanne Youngkin marked this momentous occasion in the life of our school.
Read MoreA beautiful and celebration-filled starry night was had at our Regents Gala and Live Auction in November. Regents moms Monique Moshier, Holly Britt, Laurie Mandichak, Corie Scott, and countless volunteers made it such a special night.
Congratulations to Dr. Michael Rose, who received the Don Richardson Award for Servanthood for his years on the Board...
Read MoreLast year at this time, we were signing studs at 2010 Coram Deo Drive and this year we have 170 lively bodies inhabiting every inch of our new space. We are so thankful to have classrooms that have space for movement and group work (see video of music class...
Read MoreOur beautiful library is up and running and receiving many visitors! Kindergartener Bella H. checks out a book with our new electronic check out system. A huge thank you to librarian Sara Daniel as well as volunteers Amy Hewitt and Audrey Pearson and Cait Southworth who have plugged away implementing this system for the last two years.
Read MoreLogic and Rhetoric School students began their year with an annual retreat to Watermarks Camp during the second week of school. "The students had fun bonding and completing activities and challenges, including a very tough obstacle course that the students handled with a lot of grit and toughness!" said Principal Christopher Webb. "Coach Smethurst spoke to...
Read MoreA tradition to kick off the school year in the House of Aquinas: two truths and a pie! Each player tells their partner two truths and one lie. If the partner correctly guesses which is the lie, the guesser pies the face of the storyteller. If the guesser does not correctly identify the lie, it's in their face for the pie! The goal of the house system is to create...
Read MoreEach year at Regents we pick a virtue to serve as the theme of our year. The theme guides what we talk about in Chapel and upper school devotions. It is what we reflect on as teachers and strive to keep in the forefront of our attention as we interact with students. This year our virtue is hope.
"I want to make sure we define hope rightly," said...
Dear Regents friends and families,
Thank you to all of you who came out last week and helped us move to our new site! It was an exhausting process but also such sweet time to celebrate what the Lord has provided for our next steps. I was sad to reflect on all the memories we are leaving behind at Ivy Road, but so very excited to see all of our parents...
Congratulations to the House of Aquinas for winning the 2023-2024 House Cup! "From the beginning of the year, each house has the opportunity to accrue points by participation in athletic teams, service in and out of school, Latin Certamen, field day, pep rallys, and more," said Athletic Director Travis Johnson. "All of that hard and diligent work over the...
Read MoreSpecial Congratulations to senior David Keppel who has received a full naval ROTC Scholarship to Notre Dame. A Naval officer presented David with his scholarship at Ephesians Chapel.
Read MoreThank you for your tremendous support of the Regents Gala on November 3rd! From superb emcee Dr. Chris Scott (who even sported a lion's mane at one point) and speakers to community business support, it truly took a village to create such a wonderful night. Special thanks to our Gala committee: Monique Moshier, Holly Britt, Carrie Montalto, Corie Scott and Laurie...
Read MoreOver 20 pastors came to our first-ever Pastor Day at the Grammar School. "It was like a combination of Jesus and Justin Bieber walked into our classroom, the students were so excited," said third grade teacher Mrs. Ziegler. Thank you to all the pastors who took time out of their busy schedules to make their students feel loved!
Read MoreRegents would like to welcome Reagan Saunders as the assistant athletic director. You may recognize Coach Saunders’ name from his internship with Regents last year while he was party of Trinity Presbyterian Church’s Fellows Program. This year, he returns full-time to coach P.E., lead intramurals, help drive buses and more. With Coach Johnson assuming a...
Read MoreDear Regents friends and families,
One of the highlights of this month for me has been having many of you out to the new site for the first time since the construction process began. It is a gift to me to see the site once again through new eyes every time I get to show someone around. My job is to notice all the things that are not happening quickly enough...
The Girls Varsity Tennis team is 4-3 with victories over Eastern Mennonite, The Miller School, and St. Catherine's. Freshman Esther Keppel, the lone lefty on the team, helped Regents secure those four victories by winning in singles for each match. Senior Maddie Parham had a strong showing in the EMS and Miller School matches, beating her opponents 8-5 and 8-3 in...
Read MoreYou're invited to join fellow Regents supporters and families at a dinner and silent auction to celebrate Regents School on Friday, November 3rd at 6:00 in the evening at The Wool Factory. Please see the following invitation for more information. Tickets may purchased online by clicking the button below the...
Read MoreA big congratulations to Jenna Rose (class of 2018) who is the recipient of a national award from The Daisy Foundation that honors nurses for outstanding patient care. Jenna is a labor and delivery nurse at UVA and was nominated by a Christian couple who told her they could tell she was a Christian by the way she cared for them. Jenna graduated from the nursing program at...
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