First through Fourth Grade Drama Night was last week! All the class videos are in this folder (if you click on a video, it will tell you what class it is). The order of videos in the album goes youngest to oldest with one exception:...
Read MoreDuring the first days of kindergarten physical education (PE), you can find Coach Johnson outside, five and six-year olds walking around him as he chants: “Heel-toe, heel-toe.” It’s embodied learning that is foundational to not only the Regents PE program, but to the whole Regents academic curriculum.
“Obviously kids know how to walk...
Ms. Sawyer's second grade class has been learning about meter and rhyming and the students have been practicing writing their own poems: |
"In second grade, we've been reviewing the difference between rhythm (the pattern of the words in a song) and an ostinato (a repeating pattern)," says teacher Kara Faraldi. "We have a chant that goes 'An ostinato is a repeating pattern' and we say it over and over again. One little girl went home and was saying the chant repeatedly. After about...
Read MoreYou may know that at the end of each week, students in the Grammar School receive a small pack of Smarties candy. You may not know the other half of this ritual; they receive their candy on their way out the building when they shake hands with Mrs. Palumbo and practice looking her in the eyes and saying “thank you” or “have a good weekend.”...
Read MoreAs I type this, first grade is lining up in the hall to go outside as teacher Mrs. Bryant leads them through a call-out that reminds them how to conduct themselves in line. Across the hall, sixth grade sings through the countries of Asia – with a favorite chorus that rings out every few minutes. Downstairs, second grade sings all the first twenty-six presidents, third...
Read MoreCongratulations to first through fourth grades in their class plays this year! First grade performed The Little Red Hen, second grade performed Happy Birthday, Beatrix Potter and Stone Soup. Third grade performed Atalanta and the Great Race, and fourth grade performed Robin Hood. A job well done, students! A big thanks to Ms....
Read MoreCongratulations to Miss Kara Faraldi who received her certification in the Kodaly method of music instruction at the Chenaniah Summer Music Institute at New St Andrew’s College in Moscow Idaho in July! “CSMI is the only place that offers certification in this way of teaching music combined with a Christian worldview,” says Miss Faraldi.
Read More"Second grade botanists, how are your beans growing?" asks teacher Mrs. Sawyer. In science, the class broke into groups and conducted experiments on what the best conditions are for beans to sprout: warm and sunny, cold and dark, or room temperature? Ask your favorite second grader what the result was!
Read More"This month in second grade art, we have been working on line drawing of birds as we study the artist Audubon, and his incredible contributions of his bird paintings. The students have been working on color theory, focusing on coloring a color wheel and understand the relationships between primary and secondary colors." -Jenn Atwell, art teacher
Read MoreMr. Paurillo’s second graders read a book during library that got them wondering exactly how many moons Jupiter has, which led to spontaneous research. The students found books about planets and learned how to use an index to look up information. They triumphantly found their answer! Jupiter has 57 named moons (plus some that are still awaiting names).
Read MoreKindergarten to sixth grade have been busy planting, watering and tending gardens this spring! “Gardening creates a sense of responsibility, self-confidence, cooperation, and creativity,” says volunteer garden coordinator Emily Bascom.... |
Second grade class is studying Virginia history and geography and mapped the topography of the state in salt dough!
Read MoreOver the course of the past month, I have enjoyed watching Grammar School students participate in class events such as Mammal Day, Monk Day, Famous Explorer Speeches, and Pioneer Day. It is such a joy to see the students’ effort displayed in the costumes they create and the presentations they prepare. More than this, however, I am grateful for the opportunity to see...
Read MoreAt Regents School, one of our goals is to graduate students who communicate well both as eloquent speakers and skilled writers. Competent writing begins with a solid foundation in English grammar, and English grammar is one of the students’ favorite subjects in Grammar School! Students love to incorporate rhythm, rhyme, and movement by chanting grammar rules....
Read More"This month second grade traveled to Richmond to visit the beautiful Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens. As we have been studying botany all year, this was the perfect opportunity to see, smell, plant, and even taste some plants! The gardens were in full bloom and everyone marveled at God’s beautiful creations in nature. At the end of the trip, we stopped by the...
Read MoreAt Regents School, second grade studies Virginia state history, and they have most recently been learning about the explorations of Lewis and Clark. Today was a special day as the students hosted Lewis and Clark Day, where students presented their...
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