Regents basketball finished its most dominant season ever - with all four of our teams competing in their conference or state finals! Congratulations to varsity boys basketball for winning the VACA State Championship for the second time in four years and to the middle school girls for winning the VACA North Regional Championship (the highest level middle schoolers can play)...
Read MoreAs I type this, first grade is lining up in the hall to go outside as teacher Mrs. Bryant leads them through a call-out that reminds them how to conduct themselves in line. Across the hall, sixth grade sings through the countries of Asia – with a favorite chorus that rings out every few minutes. Downstairs, second grade sings all the first twenty-six presidents, third...
Read MoreDear Regents friends and families,
One of the goals of this newsletter is to give you a glimpse of what life is like at Regents School. There are the funny stories like the kindergartener who recently came to my office because he was having a hard time getting along with another friend. After talking through the behaviors that brought him to my office, it...
Congratulations to first through fourth grades in their class plays this year! First grade performed The Little Red Hen, second grade performed Happy Birthday, Beatrix Potter and Stone Soup. Third grade performed Atalanta and the Great Race, and fourth grade performed Robin Hood. A job well done, students! A big thanks to Ms....
Read MoreIn the Logic & Rhetoric School, eighth grade students and above are invited to take an extracurricular leadership class that meets during lunch. Led by Principal Webb, this class is a prerequisite for house leadership, and it strives to help students become positive leaders in the Regents community.
What is your goal in leadership class?
K - Mr. Popper's Penguins by Richard and Florence Atwater
1 – Blueberries for Sal by Robert McCloskey
2 – The Emperor's New Clothes
3 – The Golden Goblet by Eloise McGraw
4 – Adam of the Road by Elizabeth Janet Gray
5 – The Voyage of the Dawn...
Congratulations to Miss Kara Faraldi who received her certification in the Kodaly method of music instruction at the Chenaniah Summer Music Institute at New St Andrew’s College in Moscow Idaho in July! “CSMI is the only place that offers certification in this way of teaching music combined with a Christian worldview,” says Miss Faraldi.
Read MoreThe Logic and Rhetoric School Board game club enjoys weekly meetings at lunch. The club is devoted to playing Mars 41 BC, a game like Axis and Allies (or Risk), created by our very own Dr. Aaron Larsen. Students begin from a region of the world and work on their conquests over many weeks as the game unfolds.
Read MoreSixth grade learned and recited The New Colossus in January, a poem by Emma Lazarus inscribed on the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty. “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
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