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This Year's Theme: Faithfulness

Thursday, September 7th, 2023

Dear Regents Friends and Families,

It may not quite feel like summer has ended with the 100 degree temperatures this week, but I can assure you that school is in full swing here at Regents! One of my favorite parts of this year so far was gathering as a full school body in Chapel last Friday. For the first time ever, every single pew at Jefferson Park Baptist Church was full with students – including two sections of ninth grade (the first time our high school has ever needed a second section). And yet, what made the chapel so beautiful wasn’t about student numbers. Our goal is never to be bigger for the sake of being bigger. What was beautiful was hearing the students worshipping together with such unity and energy that it felt like a foretaste of heaven.

At the end of Chapel, we practice various call outs that train up our students in who we want them to be as students and who we want to be as a school. I tell the students “Leave it,” and they answer “better than you found it.” One of my favorite call outs that we practice is from Luke 16:10: “Those who are faithful with little,” I say. “Will be faithful with much,” the students tell me.
Our school is at a juncture this year and that is why I picked our theme of this year to be faithfulness. We have been very faithful with little, but as we come into the new campus, can we position ourselves to be faithful with much? Everyone who comes onto our site remarks on what a beautiful, well-positioned spot it is. God has been so faithful to Regents School and now we are at a place where we get to be faithful to what He is giving us.

The new site update below will share more details about the ins and outs of the building process. As many of you know, it feels many days that every obstacle has been thrown at us. But Ephesians 6 tells us that we are not fighting against flesh and blood - wouldn’t it cause the enemy delight if we grow discouraged that our campus isn’t finished yet? Don’t give him that pleasure. Keep your eyes on the One that can deliver our buildings the fastest. God is fighting for us and we are seeing our prayers getting answered. At the ribbon cutting one day, we’re going to know it was all the Lord. That’s just what He wants us to know.

In Christ,

Courtney Palumbo
Head of School

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