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Heard on Campus

Friday, January 24th, 2025

"Latin is a language that doesn't break rules. It's consistent and from that you can understand the rules of language. And language is ultimately beautiful. Language is the means through which we convey information to communicate, and without effective communication we would fall apart as a species."

-Ron Orr, upper school Latin...

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The Patty Press

Thursday, January 16th, 2025

For junior James Rebolledo, becoming Scribe of the House of Patrick wasn't enough. James has been communicating with his house through a weekly newsletter, which he aptly titled The Patty Press. In the newsletter, James shares updates on sporting events, tips on how to earn House Points (or "Patty Points"), and general school news. "The...

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Uniforms: Charting Maturity

Monday, December 16th, 2024

At Grandparents Day last year, a grandfather parted a crowd of costumed fourth graders, and walked up to a senior, asking him: “What is that gold piece of cloth you wear around your neck?” These pieces of cloth, called stoles, are a reminder to seniors to serve the younger students. Stoles resemble the cloth that Jesus used to wash the disciples’ feet...

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Special Focus: Homework

Friday, March 1st, 2024

If you had to identify one facet of education that has been shown to improve the parent partnership, deepen classroom discussions, identify and ameliorate student learning gaps and teach students executive functioning skills - in only twenty minutes a day - what would it be? That's right, homework. Here is a snapshot of the reasons why purposeful homework is integral to...

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Physical Activity in the Logic & Rhetoric School

Sunday, November 12th, 2023

If you talk to seventh to twelfth grade Regents students, you may hear about block scheduling, upcoming tests and papers, and serious classroom discussions. While this is all true, they may not let you in on the other half of the story: every single class in the Logic and Rhetoric School takes at least a five minute break every period to go outside - and study halls take at...

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Spotlight on Logic School Bible Class

Wednesday, September 13th, 2023

"The center of Christian education must be the Scriptures, and Christians will not experience growth in godliness apart from the Word of God. So I want my students to know God's Word well. I want them to see how the Old Testament (7th grade) and New Testament (8th grade) hang together narratively, thematically, and theologically. I hope if guests visited one of my...

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What is a Successful Year?

Thursday, September 7th, 2023

Excerpt from Logic School & Rhetoric School Orientation Address

“What does it mean to have a successful year at Regents?

I believe that if in May you find yourself identifying your own tendencies towards either peace faking or peace breaking and you repent of them and you choose to live as a peace maker even though it’s...

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Regents Welcomes Mr. Vestal

Sunday, September 3rd, 2023

Regents is excited to welcome Zach Vestal to the Logic & Rhetoric faculty as a math and science teacher. Mr. Vestal graduated from UNC Chapel Hill in 2016 with a B.S. in Biology. Since then, he has worked at Morehead Planetarium and Science Center, in insurance sales, and most recently at Summer’s Best Two Weeks where he worked with Regents' first-ever...

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Inaugural Latin Competition

Tuesday, May 2nd, 2023

Congratulations to the House of Luther for winning Regents’ 2023 Certamen contest! Certamen is a Jeopardy-style game for classical students. Students are quizzed on Latin vocabulary, grammar, derivatives, Roman history and daily life, and the influence of Latin in the modern world. Led by Abigail Keller, the House of Luther demonstrated commanding mastery in each of...

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Letter from Logic & Rhetoric School Principal

Monday, May 1st, 2023

Dear Regents friends and families,
We are all greatly anticipating the move to the new campus, but as I’ve been praying, this question came to me, and it was one I posed to the Logic & Rhetoric Schools recently: are we prepared for the move? There has been much prayer and labor and trust and faithfulness behind the scenes to get to the point...

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Pop Quiz! Are you Smarter than a Seventh Grader?

Sunday, April 30th, 2023

Based on Aristotle's "Golden Mean" how should we live?  What do you agree/disagree with and why? How should this knowledge influence your character development?  Does it fit with Biblical morality? 

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Governor's School Honorees

Sunday, April 30th, 2023

Congratulations to Abigail Keller who was accepted into the Virginia Governor's Latin Academy, a summer residential program for Virginia's most motivated and talented Latin students. Being selected for this program as a rising junior (preference goes to seniors) is a unique and special honor! The program is a three week program hosted by Randolph Macon college that...

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First Former Student Returns to Teach!

Thursday, April 6th, 2023

Regents’ has been so excited to welcome back Amelia Park as a long-term substitute teacher this winter and spring. Ms. Park holds the distinction of being the first former Regents student to come back to teach at our school! She attended Regents in eighth, ninth and tenth grade and returned this January to teach Latin I, Logic...

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Spotlight on Logic Class

Sunday, April 2nd, 2023

What do you learn in logic class?
“We learn what makes a good argument and what makes a bad argument,” says Logic I teacher Dr. Scott Richardson.  “Think of examples like these:

  • I like Sprite because LeBron James drinks it.
  • You don't like my favorite type...

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The Importance of Being Earnest

Saturday, April 1st, 2023

Congratulations to the entire cast of The Importance of Being Earnest for a job well done! This extracurricular main stage production delighted audiences over four performances last week with its satirical comedy. Special thanks goes to Kara Faraldi who directed the performance and to Center Church, City Church and Calvary Chapel for their generosity - and to all...

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Extracurricular Spotlight: Choir

Thursday, March 23rd, 2023

This is the second year of the Regents Cantorum, an extracurricular choir in the Logic and Rhetoric schools. “Starting the Cantorum last year was a God thing,” says music teacher Kara Faraldi, “Three of us, separately, came up with the idea at the same time and the synergy gave it momentum.” So far the Cantorum has performed the national anthem at...

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Class Trips!

Tuesday, March 21st, 2023

One of the beloved traditions in the Logic & Rhetoric Schools are our class trips. After a three-year COVID hiatus, the trips joyfully resumed this year with seventh and eighth grades spending two nights in Baltimore and Washington, D.C, 10th and 11th visiting Charleston for three nights, and 11th and 12th taking the train to New York City. “I love how these trips...

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All Four Basketall Teams Earn Trips to the VACA Championship!

Thursday, March 2nd, 2023

Regents basketball finished its most dominant season ever - with all four of our teams competing in their conference or state finals! Congratulations to varsity boys basketball for winning the VACA State Championship for the second time in four years and to the middle school girls for winning the VACA North Regional Championship (the highest level middle schoolers can play)...

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Spotlight on Extracurricular Board Game Club

Friday, February 3rd, 2023

The Logic and Rhetoric School Board game club enjoys weekly meetings at lunch. The club is devoted to playing Mars 41 BC, a game like Axis and Allies (or Risk), created by our very own Dr. Aaron Larsen. Students begin from a region of the world and work on their conquests over many weeks as the game unfolds.

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A Peek into the Logic & Rhetoric School Classrooms

Monday, December 5th, 2022

You may not know Amy Lindsey yet, but she returns to Regents this year after three years in Florida where her husband completed his medical residency. Mrs. Lindsey began teaching at Regents in 2013 and later became the school’s first Director of Curriculum and Instruction. More recently, she shepherded Regents’ accreditation process.

“I get the...

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