Dear Regents friends and families,
We are all greatly anticipating the move to the new campus, but as I’ve been praying, this question came to me, and it was one I posed to the Logic & Rhetoric Schools recently: are we prepared for the move? There has been much prayer and labor and trust and faithfulness behind the scenes to get to the point where we will have a permanent home for the school. This is what I told our upper school students:
“I want us to appreciate the gravity of what we’re stepping into. The Lord has shown His faithfulness to us. There have been students who have attended Regents - some for many years - who will never go to school at the new site. But you will. When the Israelites crossed into the promised land, they consecrated themselves so that when they stepped into the promise, they would be faithful stewards of it. That is what I want for us.
If we think going onto a new campus will change our hearts, that’s not the reality. If we don’t leave things better than we found them here, then we’ll just break nicer things over there. The new campus is going to be a blessing, but there will be things the Lord will ask us to put off in the next few months so that we can receive the fullness of the blessing He wants us to have. How can I become a faithful regent, a faithful steward of what the Lord brings to me?
The second thing I would like us to consider from Israel’s example is how after they crossed over the Jordan River, they took a stone of remembrance to tell their children about God’s faithfulness. I want to challenge you to reflect on the treasures of humility that you can take with you from experiencing the early days of this school. There’s a work ethic we’ve had to develop at the Jefferson Park Baptist Church Campus by setting up every Monday, every Wednesday, every Thursday and tearing down every Friday. We don’t want to lose that character as a school. We don’t want to lose who we are because we have a new blessing. But future students won’t have this mentality if you don’t tell them about it.”
I challenged the students to carry memories of this time. I encouraged them to think about the unique things that maybe could be seen as disadvantages that are ways that the Lord has formed them and pruned them to look more like Him. I would love it if you would join me and the Logic & Rhetoric School students in reflecting on what it’s like to be faithful with little, so that we can understand – and embrace - what it means to be faithful in much.
In Christ,
Christopher Webb
Principal, Logic & Rhetoric Schools