If you have driven by the new site since the end of the 2022-2023 school year, you may not have noticed much difference in the way the site is looking. The tasks of the last three months have been the kinds of things that don't result in much outward change: getting electricity to the site, receiving all of our MEP permits (mechanical, electrical and plumbing), waiting on a HVAC pressure test, installing a six-figure fire system, receiving permits for our basement buildings and starting to build those - and much more. I can promise you it is as tedious fo us to wade through these details as it is to read about them!
Here is the good news:
Here are our prayer requests:
If you would like more frequent updates on how to pray, email jjamison@regents-school.org - she sends out site-related prayer requests a couple times a month. If you missed it but would like to watch the video of the new site from Grandparents Day (April 2022), it is out of date but gives a flavor for what the new campus will be like.