Seven buildings are under roof, with only two buildings left to go to finish framing the Grammar School side of the campus. Thank you, Lord! One of the biggest breakthroughs this last month on the new site was getting approval of a solution for a way to bring water to the site. This may not sound like a big deal, but it had held up large parts of our site work for almost six weeks - and at the end of week five, we were no closer to a solution. By the grace of God and the prayers of so many of you (as well as a lot of hard work by some committed people who love this school) we found a way around an expense that would have reached multiple hundreds of thousands of dollars extra. Thank you for praying for this project, I feel strongly that it is only by the strength of our prayers that we are able to overcome the hurdles that we continue to face.
In light of the tragedy at Covenant Presbyterian in Nashville, I have had multiple conversations recently about our plans for security at the new campus. Rest assured that this concern has been considered at every level of our planning. In addition to the specific training our teachers receive every year, multiple levels of protection are in the works include security fencing, locked doors and key fobs, a blue light system, bullet resistant glass, campus wide communication, and more. We don't talk specifically about every level of our security plan in public so that our systems will be harder to infiltrate, especially because it is possible for a threat to arise from domestic situations within our own community.
However, we could still use your help. We have received over $11,000 in donations to begin bullet proofing the classroom windows but are seeking additional funds to enable all possible windows to receive this protection. We have funds for security fencing between buildings on day one, but eventually will fence larger portions of the property. One of the focuses of Giving Day on May 3rd and 4th will be on raising funds for security. If you would like to give, you can donate here and specify in the comments to use your donation for new campus security.
Please join me in praying for our brothers and sisters in Nashville and for God's protection on our school.