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Congratulations Class of 2022

Monday, June 13th, 2022

Congratulations to the Regents Class of 2022 for finishing strong! At commencement on June 3rd, Noelle Straka gave a valedictory address that left few dry eyes. At thee end of the day, Noelle's thoughts say more about the school than anything I could tell you. I'd like to share these excerpts from her remarks with you:

"As I look back upon my time at Regents, I am filled with an overwhelming sense of joy. I am thankful for every class, house meeting, and Ephesians Chapel. I am thankful for the teachers and students who have supported and loved me and my fellow seniors. I am thankful that I was given the opportunity to be a part of a community where each student is seen and known. That is truly a gift and something that I will always cherish. I will forever be grateful for my years at Regents.
Looking back on my years at Regents I have come to this conviction: relationships are the most important thing in life. They are what last. They are what tether you in this world. To my fellow seniors who are about to enter the world, hold on to the dreams and goals you have and work hard to achieve them. Don’t let anything stand in your way, but while you’re out there changing the world, hold on to what truly matters. While you’re working to achieve your dreams, remember to look around at the people who surround you and the relationships you have. Remember to not be conformed to this world, but to be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Notice the ways God has blessed your life and the different ways He is calling each of you. Be grateful for your friends and family and for the way your years at Regents have shaped who you are.
I have been deeply blessed during my time here at Regents. When reflecting on the past 9 years, the one thing I realized that all of my memories at Regents had in common was the constant presence of the teachers. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that a teacher could be not only an educator but also a mentor, an inspiration, and a friend. … The truth is Regents isn’t a building. It isn’t defined by four solid walls, filled with desks and lockers. The true heart of Regents is the teachers. Their love and care for the students are what make this place so special. Thank you to every teacher who has loved and encouraged us and who has shown us God’s grace and love every day. You have impacted us in ways we will never be able to express." -Noelle Straka, Valedictorian, Class of 2022

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