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Being faithful in the little things

Monday, January 24th, 2022

I’ve been thinking in this gray time of year about how perseverance is often about being faithful in the little things. Last week in faculty meeting, Ms. Campbell asked the teachers to think of something that encouraged them this week:

  • One Grammar School teacher talked about a reluctant reader participating in a read aloud with confidence and success for the first time.
  • A Logic School teacher mentioned a student who missed a lot of time due to a quarantine who took the initiative to ask for help, and gave up a lot of time during lunch and after school to make up the test well.
  • A Rhetoric School teacher talked about encouraging a student to take advanced Latin, and the student really considering the challenge rather than dismissing it like in the past.

These are all little things that could be easily overlooked. But what a gift it is when we notice! Often worship is about the little things too. Being worshipful is not just a mindset – but about seizing the small moments throughout the day to lift our hearts to God. I wanted to share with you one of my favorite pictures of this school year so far, of a little moment of worship.

Will you join with me in persevering in the little things this month and finding moments of worship throughout your day?

In Christ,

Courtney Palumbo, Head of School

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