Regents' 7th and 8th grade is known as the "Logic School." Beyond the fact that this is a much cooler title than "Middle School" - why do Regents' students embark on the systematic study of logic? "It is important to learn logic so you have a good base for your argument," says seventh grader Taylor S. "It also helps us to detect lies," says William B. Studying logic helps students build a toolkit to think and reason more reliably. In our modern world where fact and fallacy are difficult to establish, logic is an invaluable tool to help students sort out competing claims, debunk false worldviews, construct powerful arguments and solve problems. "Logic class feels like an especially relevant subject because of the nature of the conversations we get to have," says teacher Chris Webb. "It is an opportunity to think about a subject in terms of what is wise and virtuous. I love hearing students grow in their ability to think in these terms. We also learn how to have a good discussion." |