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Regents Students Present An Evening with Shakespeare

Thursday, March 3rd, 2016

On Tuesday, March 1st, Regents students in fifth and sixth grades presented An Evening with Shakespeare at Northside Baptist Church. With the direction and guidance of Regents drama teacher, Carrie Soubra, students in fifth grade presented an adaptation of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream while sixth grade students performed an adapted version of Much Ado About Nothing.

During the winter months, the students’ weekly drama classes were spent running lines and practicing their performances. Additionally, students spent countless hours memorizing lines at home. 

Mrs. Soubra gushed as she stated, “I am incredibly grateful to God for these fifth and sixth grade students, and I am so proud of them! They took on the challenge of Shakespeare and performed wonderfully. This was the Grammar School's first year of Shakespeare in Drama, and these students set the bar high for future performances.”

For more information about co-curricular opportunities at Regents School, please visit the Beyond the Classroom section of the website.

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